Today's Top Ten Tuesday (over at The Broke and the Bookish) is looking at authors that we've only read book, but would like to read more. Here's my list:
1. Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie: I read Americanah earlier this year after seeing it on someone's blog (though I can't remember who). I would love to read more of her work, as I appreciate her unique viewpoint.
2. Orson
Scott Card: I'm like the only person who hasn't read Ender's Game or really anything else by Card. I enjoyed PastWatch (because, hello!, time travel), but would like to read more of his work.
3. Yael
Hedaya: I saw Eden at the library and picked it up on a whim. It was the first book I've read taking place in modern-day Israel, and I would like to read more of her work.
4. Cathy
Marie Buchanan: The Painted Girls was great, and I appreciate her attention to detail in historical fiction.
5. Tan
Twan Eng: Because The Garden of Evening Mists was sooooo good!
6. Henryk
Sienkiewicz: I loved Quo Vadis, but have yet read his other books that take place in the more recent past.
7. Audrey
Niffenegger: I don't know how I've missed reading more of her, but it might be because I loved The Time Traveler's Wife so much that I was worried that her other work would be a let down. I'll get around to reading her again eventually.
8. Lawrence
Hill: After The Book of Negroes (AKA Someone Knows My Name), I was so impressed that I will definite pick up his next book, Any Known Blood.
9. Charlotte
Brontë: How is it possible that I've read Jane Eyre several times, but never picked up any of her other books? One day soon, I promise!
10. Louisa
May Alcott: I loved Little Women as a child, but never read the sequels.
Ender's Game is great but I personally preferred it's parallel novel Ender's Shadow. I didn't know Card had a time travel novel. I'll have to go check it out. :)