
"There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage."
--Martin Luther

Thursday, 8 March 2012

One Year of Auntie-hood

I don't have anything deep or meaningful to post today, except that I'm really really excited about my nephew Ezra turning one.  A year ago, I became an auntie, and I am enjoying seeing him grow month by month.  (Unfortunately, most of this "seeing" is by photograph since my step-sister lives in the Chicago area.)  I have since become an auntie again three times over since my step-brother's son was born in December, and I gained another nephew and niece when I married Gil. 

This new stage in our family is so rewarding; I enjoy watching my siblings grow personally as they learn to be parents, and it is awesome to see how my capacity to love is increased with each new addition.  I hope and pray that we will be able to add our own children to the mix one day soon-ish!


Doing his best to represent Canada!

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